Thursday, May 12, 2016

#132 Kevin Brophy 'Spirit'

#132 ‘Spirit’ 

If there is a desert, if there is a spirit,
if there is something fetid in the bush,
if plastics will outlast us all and if the cars
are the bones young men dreamed up
and left here in twisted, weedy huddles,
if the last frog doesn’t know what’s in store for us,
if the promised snow’s already on the futures market,
if the dust is real and covers souls as well as sins,
if the blessing has turned out to be a curse,
if there is a desert with a city built upon it,
if there is a misted valley hidden under every bed,
if the graves are getting shallower and prisons deeper,
if the cows have really given all they have to us,
if this is all there is for now,
if Brumbies can be proud of being culled,
if the desert hears the dying voices in our voices,

if there is a spirit then we must be hearing it.

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