Sunday, May 15, 2016

Chrysogonus' Translation #55 - from Kevin Brophy's "Heart"


Mereka mencoba mendengar hati mereka
Mereka mencoba berpikir dengan jiwa
Mereka mencoba mengikat tali boot baru
Mereka mencoba berbaris bagai sepasukan semut
Mereka mencoba membaca kalimat seni kesunyian
Mereka mencoba memakai boot kuning yang pas
Mereka mencoba menendang bola kuning ke ketiadaan
Mereka mencoba membangkang dan menurut secara bersamaan
Mereka mencoba memahami jiwa dari Bunyip
Mereka mencoba berlari berkeliling gedung sesekali bersenang-senang
Mereka mencoba menari dansa yang mereka lihat di televisi
Mereka mencoba mencuci piring tanpa membersihkannya
Mereka mencoba mendengar detak jantung di lengan mereka
Mereka mencoba berbisik pada jiwa sunyi mereka
Mereka mencoba menali simpul pada tali sepatu kuning mereka
Mereka mencoba berbaris seperti Bunyip saat barbecue
Mereka mencoba berlari, lalu berlari mundur

Mereka mencoba membuat hari seturut keinginan mereka sesekali

#133 ‘Heart’

They tried to listen to their hearts.
They tried to reason with their souls.
They tried to tie the laces of new boots.
They tried to line up like a nest of ants.
They tried to read a sentence on the art of damper.
They tried on the yellow boots that fitted perfectly.
They tried to kick a yellow football into the blue.
They tried to be defiant and obedient at once.
They tried to understand the psyche of the Bunyip.
They tried to run around the building once for fun.
They tried to dance the dance they’d seen on television.
They tried to wash their dishes without cleaning them.
They tried to listen to their hearts on their wrists.
They tried to whisper to their silent souls.
They tried to knot a knot in their yellow laces.
They tried to stand in a line like Bunyips at a barbecue.
They tried to do it running, then running backwards.

They tried to get the day to go their way for once.

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