Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sarah St Vincent Welch #130 Out today

eyebrows and voice arced high
walking two chihuahuas
chatting to your ponchoed friend

a wolfhound waits at the letterbox
you tie your shoelace
as he watches

I read posters at the library, 
a seminar on backyard beekeeping
is coming up, 
(would the body corporate mind?)
a Bird Walk on the mountain

I might see
a Weebill or a Perdalote
might gather honey

I remember the cockatoo flock
in the autumn leaf gutter
the honk when I stopped to watch 

(photo by Dylan Jones)


  1. Lovely. I particularly like the idea of backyard beekeeping.

  2. yes, lovely. Bees, that's another poem I've been working on, Sarah! FYI they love, love the Fried Egg Tree flowers - should you ever wish to plant for them...


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