Sunday, August 21, 2016

jeffree skewes #16 Fleeting

Nature gods rush from 
presently forming clouds

shifting shape all time they
play with elements on-cue

you,  me,  peace,  the cosmos
and catastrophes all are food

unequivocal their right
omniscient no wonder

only fleeting views seem created
all else manufactured

image clouds flee photo jskewes


  1. I like this very much. And this relic of mine from a few years back...


    Garbage in the streets, loose.
    For a moment the rats are still.
    This picture is without smell.
    Accumulate how hunger
    is turned to waste. Discard
    the late heat of what we loved.
    The Easter-time of insects
    makes the refuse-body One.
    Walk away the garbage.
    Morning, streets swept,
    nocturnal vehicles disconnect
    down alleys ripped of memory.
    One word of love is missed.
    Creatures gather everything.

    1. Thanks Rob and tanx for sharing yours. The balance of 'One word of love missed' is mighty

  2. I really responded to the 'food' image. I must think on this for a while. Jeffree, you really capture the immensity of it all.

  3. Thanks for saying. Yes I too keep thinking a bit on that one ... the big guys are big scale hey?


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